InterPore Benelux Meetings – 5th Benelux Day Report

BeneluxMeet1 - InterPore Benelux Meetings - 5th Benelux Day Report

The fifth InterPore BeNeLux Chapter meeting was held at the Hasselt University on October 14, 2022. It was attended by more than fifty researchers, mainly from Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, but also from Germany, Great Britain and Australia. The meeting started with a short opening given by the chair of the BeNeLux Chapter, followed by a scientific program organized in three blocks (one in the morning and two after lunch). In total there were eight excellent presentations focusing mainly on energy/hydrogen storage and transport. The talks have addressed a broad range of topics, including experiments, material design, visualization, but also mathematical modelling and simulation, and were given by participants from universities, research institutes, and the industry. The program can be found here.

During the lunch break, a poster session was organized, when about 20 young researchers presented their latest results and received feedback from other participants. Also, the Steering Committee (SC) meeting took place during the break, with the SC members participating in person or online.

The presentations and the discussions following each presentation, as well as during the breaks and during the reception at the end were extremely useful and inspiring for future work and collaboration. The organizers would like to thank all colleagues attending the meeting for their active participation, and to Hasselt University and the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) for the financial support. We think that these were the key ingredients for a successful day.