InterPore Benelux Meetings – 1st Benelux Day

On October 2 2015, the first Interpore Benelux day was organized by prof. Veerle Cnudde (UGent, Belgium) & prof. Hans Janssen (KU Leuven, Belgium) at Hof van Liere, Antwerp, Belgium.

During this day, the Interpore Benelux chapter, which is the extension of the Dutch Interpore chapter, brought together porous media researchers from all over the Benelux. Following-up on the four previous Dutch Interpore meetings, the Interpore Benelux day aimed at illustrating the wide spectrum of porous media research performed in the Benelux. Eight interesting lectures on ongoing research were given, by researchers from 5 different Belgian and Dutch universities as well as from SCK-CEN, Belgium and Huntsman Polyurethanes, Belgium. Complementary micropresentations were presented by seven young researchers, providing a wide spectrum of ongoing research in the field of Porous Media.

The following invited speakers presented a mix of experimental, theoretical, and computational aspects of porous media research:

Diederik2 Pieter2 Amir2 Mark2 Diederik Jacques (SCK-CEN, Belgium): Towards a multiscale approach for long-term chemical degradation dr. Pieter Verboven (KU Leuven, Belgium): Apples and pears: importance of the microstructure of fruit prof.dr. Amir Raoof (Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands): Upscaling of transport properties for reacting porous media Mark Brennan (Huntsman Polyurethanes, Belgium): Transport phenomena in polyurethane foam microstructures
Nick2 Christ2 Pierre2 Anne2
prof. dr. Nick Schryvers (University of Antwerp, Belgium): Transmission electron microscopy investigations of porous materials at various length scales prof. dr. Christ Glorieux (KU Leuven, Belgium): Porous materials: from acoustic absorption to strut elasticity dr. Pierre Colson (Université de Liège, Belgium): Porous functional materials for energy applications prof. dr. Anne De Wit (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium): Influence of chemical reactions on COsequestration in porous media

These young researches presented their work via a micropresentation:

As last time, companies, active in porous media and research techniques related to porous media, presented their products and research, i.e., Bruker, Inside Matters, Comsol, XRE and Zeiss.

On behalf of the Interpore Council, Prof. Hans Janssen of KULeuven was awarded with the Interpore rosette for his efforts in organising this successful symposium.

Some final impressions of the day:

impress impressio2 impressi2