Honors and Awards Committee

Honors and Awards Committee

The Honors and Awards Committee acts in the spirit of the InterPore mission to advance and disseminate knowledge for the understanding, description, and modelling of natural and industrial porous media. Linking academia and industry, it aims to identify and honor outstanding members of the porous media community who have made extraordinary contribution to porous media research at different stages of their careers.[/vc_column_text]

The Honors and Awards Commitee is responsible for the selection of the best candidates from among nominees for various InterPore awards following strict guidelines and a transparent and fair procedure. This is done with the help of various subcommittees. The Honors and Awards Committee reports to the InterPore Executive Comittee.


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Imperial College London, UK
Vice Chair

Dorthe Wildenschild headshot e1697569006354 - Honors and Awards Committee

School of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering, Oregon State University, USA
Committee members Dick Bedeaux 
NTNU, Norway
Sarah Codd
Montana State University, USA
Michael Johns
University of Western Australia, Australia
Anna Scotti
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Evangelos Tsotsas
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Tsinghua University, China