InterPore 2020 Qingdao: Plenary speakers announced

While the next InterPore conference is still some time away (25 – 28 May 2020), we are delighted to announce the first plenary speakers. Professor Dominik Obrist from the University of Bern (Switzerland) works on cardiovascular engineering, which includes cardiovascular fluid mechanics. Professor Qinjun Kang from Los Alamos National Lab (US) will present a plenary lecture entitled Pore-Scale Direct Numerical Simulation of Flow and Transport in Energy and Environment. Dr. Thomas Ramstad, Principal Researcher at Equinor ASA in Trondheim, Norway, works on digital aspects of multiphase flow in porous media. It includes experimental flooding studies, advanced CT imaging and pore-scale modelling to be used in large-scale reservoir characterization. For a full bio of both Prof Obrist and Prof Kang,