Thomas Nagel new Head of German Chapter

Professor Thomas Nagel is the new Head of the German Chapter of InterPore. He succeeds Professor Peter Knabner from the University of Erlangen. Peter directed the German Chapter since its foundation in 2016 which took place at a meeting in Erlangen. We cordially thank Peter for his tremendous engagement and contributions during the foundation of the German branch – thank you Peter on behalf of the Steering Committee and the InterPore Community!

Thomas Nagel holds the Chair of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering at the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg. Thomas is not new to InterPore at all; he was the Newsletter’s Editor-in-Chief from 2015-2019 and organized the First General Assembly of the German Chapter 2016 in Leipzig.

We wish Thomas all the best for heading the German Chapter into the future!