InterPore Managing Director honored with the AGU Robert E. Horton Medal

Congratulations go out to Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh, InterPore Managing Director and emeritus professor in Utrecht, The Netherlands, for recently being named this year’s recipient of the prestigious Robert E. Horton Medal by the American Geosciences Union (AGU). The AGU is the world’s largest organization of earth (and space) scientists. The medal will be presented to Majid during the annual AGU Fall meeting in San Francisco.

The Robert E. Horton Medal is given annually to one honoree in recognition for “outstanding contributions to hydrology.” Robert E. Horton (1875 – 1945) was known for his vision and interdisciplinary work. In particular, his work on aquifers and basins has been of principal importance, as he worked on now-standard concepts like soil infiltration, evaporation, interception, transpiration and overland flow.

As the InterPore community, we are proud that our Managing Director and co-founder of InterPore is bestowed with such a prestigious honour. We greatly recognize his talent as both a great scientist and as a great connector between people, disciplines and between institutes and industries.