5th InterPore UK meeting report

The 5th InterPore UK conference was held at Teesside University and was organised by Dr Tannaz Pak (local host) on the 2nd and 3rd of September 2019. There were close to 50 participants both from industry and academia. The conference was a great success and it brought many internationally recognised UK-based experts in the field of porous media to Teesside. The event was a great learning and networking experience for the participants, specially research students. There were 22 oral presentations and more than 10 posters. The talks covered a range of porous media related topics including carbon capture and storage, groundwater remediation, enhanced oil recovery, flow though fractured media and soft granular matter, and gas flow/trapping in porous media.

Daniel Niblett from Manchester University and Jinlong Fu from Swansea University jointly won the best poster prize.