Time Capsule video of Prof. James R. Rice, Harvard University

Professor James R. Rice of Harvard University is interviewed by Professor John Rudnicki of Northwestern University in the fifth installment of InterPore’s Time Capsule video series. Jim Rice has made fundamental contributions to the theoretical mechanics of solids and fluids – that is, problems of stressing, deformation, fracture and flow – as they arise in seismology, tectonophysics and surficial geologic processes and in civil/environmental engineering hydrology and geomechanics. In the interview, Professor Rice reflects on his research career and discusses how his interest in porous media began.

The InterPore Time Capsules are a collection of interviews with some of the most eminent contemporary porous media scientists who have played a major role in the development of porous media science and technology. The previous InterPore Time Capsules can be viewed by following these links: