New: Spanish Chapter of InterPore

A new InterPore chapter has been established: the Spanish Chapter of InterPore. The Chapter will strengthen the porous media research across the nation.

Kick-off Meeting

The Spanish Chapter kick off meeting will take place 28 January 2020 at IDAEA-CSIC, Barcelona. This will be the official launch of the Spanish Chapter of InterPore. The meeting will include a one-day symposium (program to be announced), and it is open to anybody in the porous media community.
Mission Statement

The Spanish Chapter of the InterPore society aims to create a broad network of companies, research centers, and universities in the field porous media. The Spanish Chapter will focus on interdisciplinary fundamental studies of porous media in connection with applications and national technological demands. It aims to advance and disseminate knowledge for the understanding, description, and modeling of natural and industrial porous media systems.

Founding Committee