Knowledge Exchange for COVID-19 crisis

Dear InterPore friends,

A number of InterPore members have responded to the article by Noushine Shahidzadeh about face masks that appeared in the last InterPore Newsletter. Readers from Spain and Puerto Rico were interested in particular details of face masks, hoping to be able to produce safe masks themselves with local resources, given the global scarcity. Also, Dr. Roland Lennormand from France informed us that he has been studying masks by performing measurements on the permeability of FFP2 masks after a few ethanol cleaning cycles, so as to enable a safe re-use of masks.

The functioning of masks, being based on filtration processes, has all to do with transport properties through porous media. Hence, related questions have been sent to InterPore, hoping that the community can help out. We have opened up a forum on our website to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, data sheets, measurement results, and to discuss findings, practical matters, etc.

If you are producing face masks, or interested in producing masks, or able to help with particular aspects of the masks, please visit the forum and post a message.

Given the urgency of the global crisis, the forum participation is open to all (i.e., no InterPore membership is required). Meanwhile, we will work on improving the functionality of the forum.

Stay safe and healthy,
Majid Hassanizadeh
Managing Director, InterPore