InterPore Journal AGU Special Issue

Whether or not you attended the 2023 AGU Fall Meeting last December and participated in the session titled “Coupled Flow Processes in Fractured Porous Media Across Scales: Recent Advances in Experimental and Modeling Efforts,” we eagerly await your contributions for the special issue planned by the InterPore Journal in connection with this session.

The forthcoming special issue, sharing the same title as the AGU session, aims to encompass the interaction of fluid flow with mechanical-chemical-biological-thermal-processes in fractured geological formations along with the subsurface phenomena and the related applications. We invite you to share your expertise and contribute to this issue. More information can be found here (pdf, 177 kB).

Best regards,

the Guest Editors Jeffrey D. Hyman (Lead Guest Editor), Peter K. Kang, Adriana Paluszny, Jan-Olof Selroos, Dani Or

IP Journal call - InterPore Journal AGU Special Issue