InterPore Awards Goes to Prof. Armstrong and Prof. Guadagnini

InterPore Award for Porous Media Research

Ryan Armstrong - InterPore Awards Goes to Prof. Armstrong and Prof. GuadagniniProf. Ryan Armstrong
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia

Prof. Armstrong has pioneered novel methods for the analysis and interpretation of multiphase flow in porous media, including the first measurements of interfacial curvature and topology, while leading the development of novel machine learning techniques.

Ryan’s research has been principally concerned with the analysis of high-resolution pore-scale images of multiphase flow, as well as the modelling and interpretation of displacement processes in porous media. More recently, he has made significant advances in the application of machine learning methods for image segmentation and analysis. The work has been applied to understand storage and recovery processes, including carbon dioxide storage and – more recently – hydrogen storage and withdrawal.

InterPore and InterPore Foundation congratulate Prof. Armstrong on this honor and wish him continued success.


InterPore Medal for Porous Media Research

Alberto Guadagnini - InterPore Awards Goes to Prof. Armstrong and Prof. GuadagniniProf. Alberto Guadagnini
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Prof. Alberto Guadagnini has a PhD in Hydraulic Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, Italy, where he is a Professor of Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, and Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; he is also an adjunct professor at the University of Arizona, USA.

Alberto is a brilliant applied mathematician who has applied rigorous methods to quantify and understand uncertainty in subsurface flow and transport processes, and which has had a major impact on practical problems in groundwater management and, more generally, in flow in porous media applied to carbon dioxide and hydrogen storage.

In his research, Prof. Guadagnini has repeatedly advanced the frontiers of porous media science through the delineation, development, and application of quantitative, process-based flow and chemical transport models in natural porous geomaterials.

InterPore and InterPore Foundation congratulate Prof. Alberto Guadagnini on this honor and wish him continued success.