Kimberly-Clark Lectureship: Applications Still Possible

Ruben Juanes - Kimberly-Clark Lectureship: Applications Still PossibleProf. Ruben Juanes, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, is the Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer of 2024.

InterPore has received more than 30 applications to host Prof. Juanes, some of the requests have already been approved and scheduled, and many others are being planned. The first lecture of the year will be presented at the InterPore Northeast- Midwest US Chapter Kick-off Meeting (online) on 22 January. For more information, please check out this flyer.

The deadline for requests to host Prof. Juanes was 31 December 2023. It is still possible to submit a request, under the understanding that it may or may not be accepted and/or honored, depending on Prof. Juanes scheduling availability. To request the presentation, please download and fill out the application form and send it to Sandra Bartsch.