Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturers

Adrian Bejan - Kimberly-Clark Distinguished LecturersThe Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer of 2023 featured Prof. Adrian Bejan, from Duke University, USA.

Prof. Bejan had the opportunity to present his lecture in a variety of universities and institutions all over the world, including the USA, Thailand, Brazil, India, Germany, Scotland, Italy, Romania and the Netherlands.

InterPore would like to thank Prof. Bejan for his engagement and dedication this past year. We extend our thanks to all the institutions which have showed such great interest in his lecture.

Ruben Juanes - Kimberly-Clark Distinguished LecturersProf. Ruben Juanes, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, is the Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer of 2024.

InterPore has received more than 30 applications to host Prof. Juanes, some of the requests have already been approved and scheduled:

– 22 January – InterPore Midwest Chapter Kick-off meeting (Online).

– 4 April – Caltech (Pasadena, California, USA). Mechanical and Civil Engineering Department Seminar.

– 23 April – University of Minnesota – Twin Cities (Minnesota, USA), Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory Seminar.

We look forward to a very successful year of presentations by Prof. Ruben Juanes!