Porous Media Tea Time Talks: Past 50 and Still Young!

Three and a half years ago, amid the challenges of COVID lockdowns, we embarked on a journey that now includes 52 inspiring Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT).

What initially connected early career researchers has blossomed into a global platform for knowledge exchange with around 28,000 views. Our success is a testament to teamwork, friendship, and collaboration within the InterPore community. Three founding members now hold faculty positions, two are permanent researchers, and we’ve welcomed two waves of InterPore SAC members. This year alone, we celebrated the doctoral defense of three active members.

📺 Discover Our #PorousMediaTTT YouTube Channel! 🌐🔍

Explore a treasure trove of porous media sciences featuring top-notch research by PhDs, Postdocs, and early-career researchers worldwide. We’re devoted to equal opportunity, inclusiveness, and gender balance.

🌍 Join the #PorousMediaTTT Community! 🤝💡

Here’s your chance to shape the future of Porous Media Tea Time Talks:

  • Propose Special Sessions: InterPore National Chapters, seize the opportunity to propose dedicated special sessions in 2024!
  • Spot Rising Stars: Calling all group leaders, professors, researchers, and industry experts! Identify and recommend young talents for future talks.
  • Connect with us, especially if you’re in an underrepresented region on our map. Let’s continue this journey together!

Your support and enthusiasm drive us forward! 🚀

Contact the PorousMediaTTT team

PMTTT52 - Porous Media Tea Time Talks: Past 50 and Still Young!