InterPore2025 Program Committee

To ensure a smooth transition of tasks related to the program of our annual conferences, a Program Committee parallel to the existing one has been installed. To differentiate between the two parallelly existing Program Committees, the newly created committee has temporarily been designated “Program Committee InterPore2025”. After InterPore2024 has ended, “Program Committee InterPore2025” will be named “Program Committee” and will be responsible for the program of future conferences. The Chair of the new committee, Jaime Gomez-Hernandez, has assembled his team, including Vice Chair Eleonora Secchi, and they are already beginning to put together an exciting program for InterPore2025 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mark your calendars for 19-22 May 2025!

Chair (InterPore2025)

Jaime G%C3%B3mez Hern%C3%A1ndez - InterPore2025 Program Committee

Jaime Gómez-Hernández
Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

Vice-Chair (InterPore2025)

Eleonora Secchi - InterPore2025 Program Committee

Eleonora Secchi
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

For the full committee, see our website.