Kimberly-Clark Distinguisehd Lectureship

KC1 - Kimberly-Clark Distinguisehd LectureshipProf. Adrian Bejan, from Duke University, USA, continues to successfully present his award-winning lecture, “Vascular materials: Predicting Design Evolution”, at various universities and institutions around the world.

On 17 October, he presented his lecture in-person at the Journées d’Etude des Milieux Poreux (JEMP2023), France.

His next and final presentation in this series will take place online KC2 - Kimberly-Clark Distinguisehd Lectureshipat the Indian Society for Heat and Mass Transfer, India, during the ISHMT Golden Jubilee Lecture Series, on 7 December.

We are now receiving requests to host the 2024 InterPore Kimberly-Clark Lecturer, Prof. Ruben Juanes. Please visit our website for further information on how to apply.