InterPore Journal


Your Next Submission?

Now that our very own Society Journal has been launched, we hope to receive plenty of submissions from the InterPore community. To help us with our planning, we would be grateful if you could take a moment to let us know if you are planning on submitting one of your ongoing research and findings to the InterPore Journal?

To complete this short poll, please click here.

If you are still undecided or need more information, we would love to hear from you and to know what would help you in your decision of where to submit. Just send an email to the Editor-in-Chief Nima Shokri or to the Managing Editor Laura Lenz.

As previously mentioned, we plan on publishing the following types of articles (more information can also be found here):

  • Original research papers, technical notes, and review articles that present the state-of-the-art on porous media research and applications and offer perspectives for future research and development.
  • Open datasets and source codes relevant to the porous media research, as they can offer a valuable resource to the porous media community.
  • Letters to the Editor, short communications, invited commentaries and papers, and opinion pieces.

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There will be a minimal article processing charge (APC) for all published articles. This charge will range from no cost to a maximum amount of €1000, depending on type of paper and whether the corresponding author is an institutional member of InterPore. An APC waiver fund will be set up for authors from LMI countries as well as those who may lack the funds needed; 20% of all fully paid APCs will also be directed into this fund. For more information, please see here.