InterPore2022 Bulletin (9)

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Dear InterPore Friends,

About three weeks left before InterPore2022, and a good time to check on a number of practical details. In today’s Bulletin, you’ll find information on how to register (both in-person and online) and information on how to sign up and work with Whova.

All the best,
Matthijs de Winter
InterPore News

IP bullet - InterPore2022 Bulletin (9)

Conference registration

Register now for InterPore2022 and start preparing for the conference and networking with your peers! In order to take full advantage of the Whova conference platform, all participants must have completed registrations. You will have access to:

  • all live minisymposia sessions for oral presentations
  • all pre-recorded presentations for both poster pitches and oral presentations
  • all invited and keynote lecturers (live and recorded)
  • the virtual exhibition hall
  • breakout rooms for networking or further discussions 1-on-1 or in a group
  • all social & networking events

Registration will stay open until the last day of the conference. On-site registration can be paid via credit card or in cash, however, payments will only be accepted in Euros.

IP bullet - InterPore2022 Bulletin (9)

Instructions for oral presenters

Oral presenters are reminded of the two components of and the contents needed for the hybrid conference:

  • Links to pre-recorded presentations must be submitted through the online form no later than Saturday, 21 May.

  • Presentation slides must be uploaded to the conference website (Indico) through the abstract details on the My Conference page no later than Saturday, 21 May.

Further instructions on creating and uploading presentation slides and pre-recorded presentations can be found on the website.

Already signed up to Whova?

Whova Logo - InterPore2022 Bulletin (9)If not? Do it TODAY in one click HERE.

Whova is the conference platform through which the digital portions of InterPore2022 will run. It is intented for use by both in-person and online attendees. Get familiar now with WHOVA and start preparing your conference. Set up your profile now and start connecting with attendees and exhibitors.

Here you will find information and help about using Whova, for example, setting up your Whova profile, how to attend live sessions and access pre-recorded presentations, how to join session Q&A’s, and much more.

Check-in at InterPore2022 with a QR code!

QR 2022 - InterPore2022 Bulletin (9)To facilitate the check-in, we will need to scan your QR code that contains your registration information.

A QR code specific to you will appear on your ticket.

To download your ticket please go on the Conference website (My Conference / My Ticket / Download) and download your ticket with QR code to facilitate the check-in at ‘InterPore2022’.

You can print the Ticket, save the PDF on your cell phone or take a picture or screenshot of the QR code.

Abu Dhabi spotlight

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Printed with permission from the Ministry of Tourism

Last week we gave you a tip on a lush green spot in the middle of the city of Abu Dhabi. This week, our focus is on something more characteristic – the desert. Lots and lots of desert. Rub’ al Khali, also known as the Empty Quarter, is the world’s largest uninterrupted sand mass. Offering a variety of desert activities, from dawn desert walks, camel trekking, dune bashing, campfire barbecues to falconry, Rub’ al Khali has something in store for every type of adventurer.

Important Dates

Event Date
Start of uploading digital content 21 May 2022
Short Courses 29 May 2022
Start of the live conference 30 May 2022
Closing of the conference 2 June 2022
Short Courses 3 June 2022

The InterPore2022 Bulletin provides regular updates on the InterPore2022 conference and is part of the InterPore Newsletter mailings.

Sponsored in part by:


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InterPore News,
Published in electronic form by International Society for Porous Media (InterPore)
Circulated free of charge to members and non-members of InterPore.

Articles and news items on the study and characterization of porous media,
especially when relevant to other types of porous media,
are welcomed for publication in this newsletter, issued twice a month.

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