InterPore2023: Energy Transition Panel

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During InterPore2023, in addition to many presentations in regular minisymposia that would address various aspects of energy transition, a special event will be organized on Thursday, 25 May. First, a plenary lecture will be given by Onno van Kessel (General Manager, CCS Development & Subsurface at Shell), entitled Energy Transition and Porous Media: an Industrial Megaproject Perspective. Then, a panel of experts will engage in a 1-hour discussion with the participants regarding the current urgent research needs in various energy transition technologies and methodologies.

InterPore2023 attendees can ask their questions in the Q&A section of the session on Whova (the online conference platform) prior to the conference, during the plenary lecture of Onno van Kessel and during the forum. During the discussion the session chair, Ann Muggeridge (Professor, Chair in Subsurface Physics at Imperial College) will direct the questions/comments to the appropriate panel members.

Chair of Lecture & Panel: Ann Muggeridge, Imperial College

  • Onno van Kessel, Shell
  • Aimy Bazylak, University of Toronto
  • Michelle Bentham, British Geological Survey
  • Martin Blunt, Imperial College
  • Lynn Orr, Stanford University

A white paper on the current urgent research needs in various energy transition technologies and methodologies will be prepared after the conference, with input from all panel members.

Join us at InterPore2023 in Edinburgh for the latest on Energy Transition!