InterPore National Chapter Award

Every year, the InterPore National Chapter Award is given in recognition of the many activities organized by a chapter in recent years (in particular during the past one) and of its contribution to the make the InterPore society flourishing.

This year’s award goes jointly to the Benelux and Norway chapters.

The National Chapter Committee (NCC) selects the winning chapter during the first trimester of each year on the basis of activities reported in the annual reports of chapters.

The evaluation for the award attribution is based on the following points:

  • the organization of the chapter with a well-structured committee,
  • the organization of a meeting every two years (Benelux) or an annual workshop (Norway) with substantial participation,
  • their involvement in the interactions with InterPore,
  • their communication among the community in their country and internationally,
  • their participation in a network with a regional chapter workshop planned during fall 2024 (together with France and Germany).

Congratulations to our friends in the Benelux and Norway on their good work!

- InterPore National Chapter Award Norway - InterPore National Chapter Award