SAC Career Development Event at InterPore2023

Join us at InterPore 2023‘s Career Development Event, where the Student Affairs Committee (SAC) will host a panel of established professionals sharing their personal and expert insights on navigating different career paths in the porous media science field. As a student or a Ph.D. candidate, deciding which career path to follow can be difficult after graduation. By attending this event, you will gain valuable guidance and perspectives on the accessible career options in this rapidly evolving era of energy transition and green shift. Discover the pros and cons of pursuing an academic career or exploring possibilities in industry or governmental agencies, and learn how to find satisfying and secure employment after graduation. Our speakers will share the critical choices they made along their career paths and offer their perspectives on the future of young porous media scientists.

This free event is open to all InterPore 2023 participants. Stay tuned for more updates from the SAC Career Events!

RebeccaLivanage1 - SAC Career Development Event at InterPore2023 Majid Hassinzadeh - SAC Career Development Event at InterPore2023 Hannah Menke - SAC Career Development Event at InterPore2023 Bamshad Nazarian - SAC Career Development Event at InterPore2023