Workshops and Short Courses at InterPore 2023 Conference


Two workshops will be given on Wednesday, 24 May, during the parallel sessions. The workshop events organized by the Student Affairs Committee (SAC) and Student Local Organizing Committee are free and open to all registered participants of InterPore2023.

What Makes a Good Research Paper? 10 Tips for Success

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Jaime Gómez-Hernández
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
12:00 – 13:00

Through several real cases, the attendants will learn the common mistakes made when submitting a manuscript for consideration to a specialized journal. Everything will be presented using examples based on actual submissions in a very casual and lively way. Many previous attendants to this workshop have overcome the hurdle of the dreaded rejection letter.

BetterPoster: How to Create a Better Research Poster in Less Time

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Mike Morrison
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
14:15 – 15:30

Posters are a huge part of academic life. At most conferences, there will be a room where attendees can hang up their posters, and specific parts of the conference where researchers are encouraged to read posters and discuss them with the author. You are probably familiar with the experience: rows and rows of giant boards alerting passers-by to the newest research in the field.

The #BetterPoster makes you think about how you’re presenting the information. The clearer your message, the more people will remember and engage with your research. And that’s what poster sessions are all about!

More info

Short Courses

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