Registration for InterPore2023 is Now Open!

Registration for InterPore2023 is now open!

It is still possible to submit an abstract for InterPore2023! Abstract submission for online presentations and in-person posters will remain open until 01 May 2023! Submit your abstract here.

Abstract acceptance notifications for all submissions of in-person presentations have been delivered. Not sure of the status of your abstract(s)? You can view it at the bottom of the “My Conference” page. Notifications for online submissions will be delivered shortly.

Applications for conference grants are still being accepted!

We are pleased to announce that the InterPore Foundation for Porous Media Science and Technology (InterPore Foundation) would once again like to offer a number of conference grants to scientists from academic institutions from countries with lower- or middle-income economies, as defined by the World Bank, and to graduate students.

In addition to paying the conference registration fees, the InterPore Foundation will provide up to €500 per recipient to go towards travel costs.

Visit the InterPore2023 website for more information on requirements and the application process.

Application Deadline: Monday, 28 February