The Impact of Xylem Geometry on Olive Cultivar Resistance to Xylella Fastidiosa: An Image-Based Study

The Impact of Xylem Geometry on Olive Cultivar Resistance to Xylella Fastidiosa: An Image-Based Study

Nancy C. Walker, Steven M. White, Dan McKay Fletcher, Siul A. Ruiz, Kathryn E. Rankin, Angelo De Stradis, Maria Saponari, Katherine A. Williams, Chiara Petroselli, Tiina Roose

Xylella fastidiosa, a pathogen colonising plant vasculature, is responsible for a disease devastating Italian olive trees. A strategy proposed to mitigate losses is to re-plant susceptible cultivars with resistant ones. However, resistance mechanisms are poorly understood and only two resistant olive cultivars are identified. X-Ray Computed Tomography measurements of susceptible (Ogliarola, Koroneiki) and resistant (Leccino, FS17) olive stems suggest xylem vessel diameters likely support the resistance of Leccino, but not FS17. Furthermore, relating the measurements to physical phenomena suggests that under stress conditions, flow rates in susceptible cultivars could become comparable to resistant ones, imposing stress on remaining vessels.

Plant Pathology (2022)
Corresponding Author: Tiina Roose

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