3rd Spanish Chapter Meeting Report

The third annual meeting and porous media workshop of the Spanish InterPore Chapter was held at the Retiro Building of the School of Civil Engineering of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) on 26 October 2022. There was a total number of 54 participants from academia and industry, of which 36 participated in person and 18 remotely. The workshop had a diverse program with seven invited presentations on subsidence, random forests, the rheology of granular and active matter, modeling of bentonite and its expansion, methane hydrates and karst hydrology, as well as 11 posters on convective mixing, induced seismicity, chaotic porous media flow, diffusiophoresis, compound separation by membranes, machine learning, bacterial growth, phase changes, osmosis, microporous membranes and membrane distillation. More details and the program here.

spainchap22 - 3rd Spanish Chapter Meeting Report

The workshop was organized by Luis Cueto-Felgueroso, Francisco Javier Elorza and David Santillan (local committee) and Marco Dentz, Juan J. Hidalgo, Laura Gonzalez-Blanco, Elena Abarca, Maria Pool and Maria Barragan.