InterPore2022 Feedback Report

InterPore2022 was already a month ago! Thanks again to all the participants and a special thanks to the feedback that was provided via our post-conference survey. Your input is crucial to help us improve and stay close to what our participants need and want.

Overall, InterPore2022 participants were very satisfied with the quality of the scientific program and enjoyed the conference.

93% of the participants rated the quality of the scientific program high or very high.

We are happy to see that we have regular participants who are recommending the conference.

Indeed, 55% of the participants attended the conference for the 2nd time and more and, 68% of people who attended for the 1st time heard about the conference from word of mouth.

We have noticed that our audience is very young (54% of the participants are between 25 and 35 years old), and we will think about offers to satisfy them more, not only regarding their career development but also regarding opportunities to network and socialize.

It was our first time organizing a hybrid conference.

jeff tumale rbdQHqcu yo unsplash - InterPore2022 Feedback ReportThe satisfaction about the hybrid format is mixed. The majority of our participants would prefer to attend in-person, but it seems that it was important to offer an online option since 60% of our participants joined online, mainly because it allowed them to participate despite travelling restrictions and fear of meeting in person in a complicated health context. It also allowed some participants to join at a lower cost.

We heard the feedback that sometimes the online participants felt less engaged, and the chairs sometimes missed their questions.

We also heard the feedback that people would prefer to have all presenters and poster sessions in-person.

89% of the participants were satisfied with the online platform Whova.

We have also heard your wish to organize more in-person opportunities to interact, network and socialize and we will strive to organize better the social activities and poster sessions.

Unfortunately, some suggestions cannot be fulfilled due to major drawbacks.

Qatr Al Watan Palace - InterPore2022 Feedback ReportFor example, it was requested to have fewer parallel sessions and/or more time for each oral presentation. While these options have clear advantages, it does mean a significantly smaller number of oral presentations which wouldn’t satisfy the need to have a large choice of presentations and therefore topics.

We also took note to remind the session chairs of the importance to keep the presentations on track to allow time for questions.

An interesting fact is that 76% of the participants were male. We of course hope to see more women participate in the next few years.

We are also happy to report that the conference allowed participants to build a community and that the presented research results have inspired them.

We hope to see you at InterPore2023 in Edinburgh!

InterPore2023 - InterPore2022 Feedback Report