InterPore Webinar Committee

WorldMap Network - InterPore Webinar CommitteeThe InterPore Academy is pleased to announce that a committee has been formed to coordinate the InterPore webinars and support the Academy’s mission to promote the educational, training, and research activities of InterPore.

Each year, a limited number of webinars on important topics pertinent to the society will be offered and archived on the InterPore website for a set period of time.

The committee will be chaired by Sebastian Geiger (TU Delft), with close support from the vice chairs Maartje Boon (TU Delft) and Julien Maes (Heriot-Watt University) and the committee members Eleonora Secchi (ETH Zurich) and Sorin Pop (Hasselt University).

The committee will initially remain in place for a term of 2 years.

The first webinars are expected to be broadcast in autumn 2022.