InterPore Science Council News

InterPore has endorsed the Science in Exile Declaration of the International Science Council. Through this, InterPore has joined efforts to advocate for the protection and support of at-risk, displaced and refugee scientists.

Countless scientists are displaced each year by war, political instability, and human-made and natural disasters. Some are killed. Countries that once had well-established science communities and thriving research ecosystems have seen these weakened, even destroyed, by conflict, violence or repression. Scientists who survive such crises may be displaced internally, forced into exile in neighboring countries, or end up scattered far from their homes, without jobs and without prospects. The Science in Exile program is aiming to support scientists who find themselves in such situations. For more information, please visit the Science in Exile website.

The International Science Council (ISC) is a non-governmental organization with a unique global membership that brings together over 200 international scientific unions and associations as well as national and regional scientific organizations including academies and research councils.

The vision of the ISC is science as a global public good. Scientific knowledge, data and expertise must be universally accessible and its benefits universally shared. The practice of science must be inclusive and equitable, also in opportunities for scientific education and capacity development. You can read more on the ISC’s vision in the following paper, Science as a Global Public Good.