Student Affairs Committee (SAC) Is Looking for New Members

Are you a BSc, MSc or PhD candidate? Or do you know a very talented young researcher in those categories? The Student Affairs Committee (SAC) is currently seeking nominations for four members.Nominations are open to all InterPore members (including members through Institutional Memberships) who are enrolled in porous media activities. You can nominate yourself or others (with their permission!).

Becoming a SAC member brings fun on a global scale and potentially boosts your career, either within the academia or within the industry. Check here the current SAC members.

For nominations, please send the following info to Laura Pyrak-Nolte:

  • Name
  • Institution
  • Current Position
  • A brief description of yourself/the nominee and
  • Why you/the nominee would like to be elected to the SAC (around 200 words).

The election will be held in November 2022, and all members of the InterPore community are encouraged to vote. The elected members of the SAC will be publicly announced in the InterPore newsletter. Elected members will be part of the SAC for 4 years. For more information about the SAC activities, you can always send the committee an email.