Brazil Interpore Chapter: Research Spotlight

In recent years, the research activities of the Brazil Interpore Chapter have become increasingly more active and prominent. Across the country, new groups are emerging in cooperation to seek a better understanding of a wide range of porous media systems through basic and applied research. It is well known that Brazil holds a considerable amount of the global renewable freshwater, which in turn depends on the quality of groundwater. Porous media systems also have a huge impact on energy, especially on oil recovery in the pre-salt area off the marine coast of Brazil. This scientific research and innovation aligns with Brazilian’s society aim to advance fields such as Agriculture, Synchrotron light, Microfluidics, Mathematics of porous media flow, Oil Science, Modeling of complex fluid displacement in porous media, and Multiscale numerical methods. Here we highlight some of the interdisciplinary research of new small groups in the Brazilian scientific community that fosters and carries out research related to porous media systems. This is just a glimpse of the opportunities in Brazil.

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