Announcement of InterPore Elections 2022

InterPore Elections are coming up, spanning an election period from 1 – 30 November 2022. With this announcement, we wish to inform the Society members about the details of the election procedure.


Who will be elected?

A new President-Elect and four new Council members will be elected.

The terms of office of the current InterPore President is due to end on 30 April 2023. As stipulated in the InterPore Bylaws, the current President, Prof. Michel Quintard (Université de Toulouse), will transfer responsibilities to the current President-Elect, Prof. Karsten Thompson (Louisiana State University). As such, a new President-Elect needs to be elected.

In addition, the term of four Council members will end on the same date, and four new Council Members will be elected in November.


Who is conducting the elections?

The Election Committee, appointed by the current InterPore leadership, consists of Prof. Gabriel Wittum (Chair, Goethe University Frankfurt), Professor Iryna Zenyuk (University of California), Dr. Yixiang Gan (The University of Sydney) and Prof. Marios Valavanides (University of West Attica). Dr. Karolin Weber (InterPore Executive Officer) and Ms. Amy Spang (InterPore Office Manager) will assist in the technical implementation. InterPore, and the Election Committee in particular, is committed to ensuring a free, fair, and transparent election process.

Periods of Office: The Bylaws of the Society stipulate the election of a new President-Elect and four (or five) new Council members every other year. The new President-Elect will serve from May 2023 to April 2025 and will automatically assume the Presidency for the term May 2025 to April 2027. Elected Council Members will serve for four years on the new Council starting May 2023.


How will you vote?

All current InterPore members that have already paid their 2022 membership fees (or are exempted) are eligible to vote. They will receive an email with a personalized one-time link to the election tool.

A Nomination Committee is formed by the Past President, Prof. Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte (Purdue University) to collect nominations for President-Elect and four new Council Members.

In one of the next newsletters, a Call for Candidate Nominations will be published.


We seek:

  • At least two candidates for President-Elect
  • At least eight candidates for the Council elections

For the Council candidates at least three of them must be representatives from the industry and at least one representative from industry will be elected to the Council.

Once all nominations are received, the Executive Committee (EC) selects two candidates from the list of nominees who will run for President-Elect and at least eight candidates for the vacancies in the Council. Criteria for the selection of candidates by EC and approval by the Council are (1) personal qualifications, (2) balancing industry and academic/research institutions, and (3) ensuring – as much as possible – gender and geographical balance. Only nominees who agree to serve, once elected, will be accepted.


Nominate or volunteer!

Please volunteer to run for an office and/or nominate candidates! The Call for Candidate Nominations will be published soon.