InterPore Publication Committee

The InterPore Publication Committee, chaired by Nima Shokri, has been renewed recently. InterPore would like to thank the members of the former committee for their participation in this important activity: – John Selker, Oregon State University, USA – Rouhi Farajzadeh, Delft University, The Netherlands – Yves Méheust, Université Rennes 1, France – Jacques Huyghe, University of Limerick, Ireland.

A new committee has been formed and now consists of the following members:

Shokri - InterPore Publication Committee
Sahar2 - InterPore Publication Committee
Ran - InterPore Publication Committee

Nima Shokri, Chair
Hamburg University of Technology, Germany (contact)

Sahar Bakhshian
The University of Texas at Austin, USA (contact)

Ran Holtzman
Coventry University, UK (contact)

Helge - InterPore Publication Committee
Philipe - InterPore Publication Committee

Helge Hellevang
University of Oslo, Norway (contact)

Philippe Coussot
Université Gustave Eiffel, France (contact)

InterPore warmly thanks the new members for having accepted to carry out this task.

The InterPore Publication Committee will be involved in developing and recommending strategic direction of publications to support the professional development and needs of InterPore members and support and advise Executive Committee with respect to new publications or journals that InterPore should be engaged and promoting for the benefits of its members and advance porous media science and technology.