InterPore Award for Porous Media Research

Sujit - InterPore Award for Porous Media ResearchThe InterPore Award for Porous Media Research is given to mid-career researchers in recognition of outstanding research in general porous media, with emphasis on research conducted over the past 5 years. This years winner is: Sujit Datta from Princeton University, US.

From the committee: “Sujit possesses a rare talent for simplifying complex problems into testable models. He has elegantly combined experimental visualization in 3D porous media with physically-based computational modeling to make ground-breaking contributions to the field of porous media research. In particular, his work has explored uncharted areas, as well as helped resolve some of the long-standing challenges related to multiphase and multiscale dynamics in porous media, including complex fluids and bacterial communities—of critical importance in energy, environmental, industrial, and microfluidic processes. He also has an impressive and outstanding record of supervision and engagement with students and researchers across different disciplines and career stages.”