InterPore PoreLab Award for Young Researchers

SenyouAn - InterPore PoreLab Award for Young ResearchersThe candidates who were nominated for the 2022 InterPore-PoreLab Award for Young Researchers were all very strong. They have done excellent work in the field of porous media from a fundamental point of view, including theoretical, computational, and experimental research. While all were extremely well deserving, the Sub-Committee evaluating the nominees decided to give the award to Dr. Senyou An based on his excellent PhD work accomplished in the Integrated Multiscale Porous Media Research Group at the University of Manchester (link), which led to 9 published peer-review papers. He was praised for his work particularly related to fluid flow and solute/heat transport in heterogeneous porous materials. Senyou developed several advanced computational models and GPU-based algorithms for in-depth understanding and enhancing the predictive capabilities for processes, and thoroughly investigated several complex fluid-dynamical phenomena. After graduation in September 2021, Senyou joined Imperial College of London to focus on pore to core-scale upscaling for gas injection in carbonate system.