InterPore2022: Block Program, Events and More

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The block program has been updated.
Please visit our website to have a look.

InterPore2022 Career Event

Many students and PhD candidates struggle with deciding which career path to follow after graduation. Whether to pursue an academic career or search for possibilities in industry or governmental agencies? What are the pros (and cons) of each career path? What does life after university feel like for young researchers? To help shed light on these big questions, the Students Affairs Committee (SAC) will organize its traditional “Career Event” during InterPore2022 in Abu Dhabi to hear from established professionals sharing their personal views and experiences.

In this session, we will NOT hear about their latest research or industrial achievements, but instead about their different career paths and the critical choices they had to make along the way. In addition, we will hear about the opportunities for Porous Media scientists in an era of the energy transition. Stay tuned for more updates from SAC Career Events.

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On behalf of the InterPore2022 organizers, the Student Affairs Committee (SAC) invites you to join us for a music presentation. If you play an instrument, sing, or perhaps have a band, you are warmly welcome to share your abilities with the InterPore community. This is a spontaneous way to expand our professional and personal networks. The call to all our talented musicians is now open. Please send us an email to We will be waiting for you. Let’s have an incredible broadcast!


InterPore2022 Sponsors

47c1ac8b2a04e18786b84b12b98f2910 - InterPore2022: Block Program, Events and MoreWe are delighted to announce TESCAN as a Silver Sponsor and exhibitor at InterPore2022! TESCAN enables nanoscale investigation and analysis within the geosciences, materials science, life sciences and semiconductor industries. The company has a 30-year history of developing innovative electron microscopy, micro-computed tomography, and related software solutions for customers in research and industry worldwide. As a result, TESCAN has earned a leading position in micro nanotechnology. You can learn more about TESCAN Dynamic micro-CT solutions on their website and at their booth (both online and booth #4 in Abu Dhabi) at the upcoming conference.

Do you want your company name in our online communication? Please ask Amy Spang for more information or find our prospectus on our website.