Rien van Genuchten Early-Career Award

Siva Rama Satyam Bandaru - Rien van Genuchten Early-Career AwardThis year’s candidates who were nominated for the Rien van Genuchten Early-Career Award of Porous Media for a Green World were all very strong. They have done excellent work in porous media research contributing to a more sustainable environment/future. While all were extremely well deserving, the Sub-Committee evaluating the nominees decided to give the award to Dr. Siva Rama Satyam Bandaru, University of California, Berkeley, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He was praised for his work related to the development and implementation of Electro Chemical Arsenic Remediation (ECAR). This is a low-cost robust technology to clean polluted groundwater extracted for human consumption, with many applications worldwide but especially in rural South Asia.
