InterPore20222 Social Event

A great number of abstracts have been submitted. Thank you for all these contributions! We’re currently in the process of evaluating the abstracts and will notify the authors in due time about a place in the program.

InterPore2022 features two short courses, given by Prof. Martin Blunt Multiphase Flow in Permeable Media: A Pore-Scale Perspective and Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh Capillarity in Porous Media at Different Scales. For more information, please visit our website.

SAC social - InterPore20222 Social Event

On behalf of the InterPore2022 organizers, the Student Affairs Committee (SAC) invites you to join us for a music presentation. If you play an instrument, sing, or perhaps have a band, you are warmly welcome to share your abilities with the InterPore community. This is a spontaneous way to expand our professional and personal networks. The call to all our talented musicians is now open. Please send us an email to We will be waiting for you. Let’s have an incredible broadcast!