Advances in Water Resources: Recent developments in upscaling and characterization of flow and transport in porous media

1. Introduction
Over the past few years, developments in the theory and numerical simulation of transport phenomena in porous media, along with related experimental measurements, have advanced significantly. New technologies are responsible for the development of methods for measuring properties at unprecedented resolution within a porous material; this has also motivated the formulation of new upscaling techniques. These improvements have occurred across a range of scales of interest. Furthermore, the recent advent of machine learning methods applied to characterization and modeling seems to open another area of research that promises to have impact. This was the motivation for the edition of this special issue of Advances in Water Resources with focus on upscaling and characterization of flow and mass transport in porous media systems across several levels of scale. Another motivation for making this special issue came from a Workshop held at the University of Bordeaux during spring of 2019 dedicated to Michel Quintard. Many of the papers presented here deal with subjects related with his scientific contributions. As a matter of fact, some works explicitly acknowledge his scientific career.

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Guest editors: D. Lasseux, F.J. Valdés-Parada, B. Wood