InterPore Membership Committee

The Membership Committee has seen a number of changes in members. First of all, we would like to thank the leaving members for their valuable contributions to InterPore. And an equally big thank you to the new members who took over the batons. Good luck!

For those less familiar with the InterPore organization: The Membership Committee is committed to initiating and implementing programs that are associated with membership growth and retention. Our specific activities include recruiting and engaging new members, assessing satisfaction and improving benefits for current members, and recommending policy actions to the Executive Committee of InterPore for improving its membership services.

Interested to get involved? Please reach out to Bo Guo to share your ideas on how we can better serve our InterPore members.

Leaving members New members
Krishna M. Pillai
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Iryna Zenyuk
University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Peyman Mostaghimi
UNSW Sydney, Australia
School of Petroleum Engineering China University of Petroleum (East China)
M. Sadegh Riasi
University of Cincinnati, USA
Seetha Narayanan
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India
Jonas Toelke
Ingrain, Inc., USA
Sidian Chen
University of Arizona
Nikhil Palakurthi
Procter and Gamble, USA
Yixiang Gan
University of Sydney