Probabilistic Nucleation and Crystal Growth in Porous Medium: New Insights from Calcium Carbonate Precipitation on Primary and Secondary Substrates

Probabilistic Nucleation and Crystal Growth in Porous Medium: New Insights from Calcium Carbonate Precipitation on Primary and Secondary Substrates

Mohammad Nooraiepour, Mohammad Masoudi, Nima Shokri, and Helge Hellevang

Knowledge of crystal nucleation and growth is paramount in understanding the geometry evolution of porous medium during reactive transport processes in geo-environmental studies. To predict transport properties precisely, it is necessary to delineate both the amount and location of nucleation and precipitation events in the spatiotemporal domain. The main objective was to evaluate solid formation under different boundary conditions when the solid-liquid interface plays a key role. New observations were made on the effect of primary and secondary substrates and the role of preferential precipitation locations on the rock surfaces. Our results highlight the complex dynamics induced by substrate surface properties on the spatial and temporal solute distribution, transport, and deposition.

ACS Omega 2021, 6 (42) (open access)
Corresponding Authors: Mohammad Nooraiepour

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