Global Predictions of Primary Soil Salinization Under Changing Climate in the 21st Century

Global Predictions of Primary Soil Salinization Under Changing Climate in the 21st Century

Amirhossein Hassani, Adisa Azapagic & Nima Shokri

Soil salinization has become one of the major environmental and socioeconomic issues globally. Determining how climate change influences the dynamics of naturally-occurring soil salinization has scarcely been addressed. This paper sets out to address this long-standing challenge by developing data-driven models capable of predicting primary (naturally-occurring) soil salinity and its variations in the world’s drylands. Analysis of the future predictions made here identifies a number of dryland areas as salinization hotspots. Conversely, we project a decrease in the soil salinity of other drylands.

Nature Communications, vol 12, 6663 (2021)
Corresponding Authors: Nima Shokri

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