Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer

Lecturer 2021: Prof. Muhammad Sahimi

The Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer Series of this year features Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sahimi from University of Southern California, USA. Prof. Sahimi has still a few opportunities left to give an lecture. He lectures on various topics:

– Use of wavelet transformations for characterization, modeling, and upscaling of porous media

– Multipoint geostatistical modeling of porous media

– Swelling and deformation of porous media

– Atomistic modeling of nanoporous membranes.

If possible, Prof. Sahimi will come to your institute in person. Alternatively, he will present online. Interested? Please request his lecture by filling out the application form and returning it to the InterPore office.

Lecturer 2022: Prof. Jacques Huyghe

Huyghe - Kimberly-Clark Distinguished LecturerProfessor Jacques Huyghe will be the Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer for 2022. As such, he will share a topic relevant to the industrial porous media community through a series of lectures at various member and non-member organizations.

The title of his lecture is poromechanics in extremely large deformation: swelling and fracture.

An abstract of the talk and a short biography of Prof. Dr. Huyghe can be found on our website.

Apply now to request to host one of the 2022 InterPore Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecture series at your institute. Please visit our website for further information on how to apply.