InterPore Academy: Short Courses and Student Grants

Upcoming InterPore Academy short courses

- InterPore Academy: Short Courses and Student GrantsThe upcoming course is given by Hadi Hajibeygi and is entitled Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: Scalable Simulation of Nonlinear Coupled Processes in Heterogeneous Fractured Porous Media.

Course dates: 10, 11, 13, 14 and 15 December 2021.

More information can be found in this flyer (274 KB).

Funding opportunities for short courses

If you’re interested in an online short course, but you lack funding, please have a look at this flyer(242 KB). We are pleased that InterPore Foundation for Porous Media Science and Technology (InterPore Foundation) will provide grants for participation of graduate and PhD students in selected InterPore Academy online short courses.

More info… (242 KB)

Recorded short courses available

The InterPore Academy is offering the possibility to follow recorded short courses given previously. If you scroll down on the InterPore Academy webpage, you will find a list of available short courses as well as the corresponding registration process.

The list of available courses can be found here (316 KB).