National Chapter News

Norway - National Chapter News



01 December 2021, Bergen, Norway

InterPore Norway is providing a platform for the Norwegian porous media researchers/scientists to come together and exchange ideas. For this reason, InterPore Norway arranges an annual workshop for all that are interested in porous media research and technology.

The workshop, hosted by NORCE Norwegian Research Centre and the University of Bergen, is free of charge and open to all. It will be an in-person event only.

More information about the program and registration can be found here.

- National Chapter News



26 November 2021, online

Taking into consideration that the InterPore National Chapter Committee attributed the 2021 Chapter Award to the Mexican InterPore Chapter (CMI), we want to invite you to our virtual meeting on 26 November 2021 at 8:00 am CST to celebrate this recognition and three presentations by young researchers. Please find the program for this meeting here (26 KB).

We are looking forward to seeing you in the above virtual event.


CMI Steering Committee

Saudi Arabia - National Chapter News

Report Saudi Chapter meeting


The KAUST Workshop on Porous Media and 1st InterPore Saudi Chapter Annual Meeting was successfully held in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia from 8-10 November. More than 60 attendees joined our conference in person from various institutions and companies all around Saudi Arabia, including KAUST, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineral (KFUPM), Saudi Aramco, King Khalid University (KKU), and many others. Additionally, more than 60 attendees joined our conference virtually via Zoom from all around the world. We invited a representative from InterPore Headquarters, Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh, and representatives from other national chapters, including Prof. Moran Wang and Prof. Yongfei Yang, to join our meeting. The meeting is fully sponsored by KAUST, and the organizing committee is chaired by Prof. Shuyu Sun, founding President of the Saudi Chapter.

The full report can be found here (964 KB) and the book with the program and abstracts can be found here (1.4 MB).

Spain - National Chapter News

Report Spanish Chapter meeting


The annual meeting of the Spanish InterPore Chapter was held at Technical University of Valencia (UPV) on October 16, 2021 with the participation of over 20 researchers from academia and industry.

The annual meeting had a hybrid format allowing participation in-person and online. The meeting was opened by Jaime Gómez, professor of the UPV and a Board member of the Spanish InterPore Chapter. Then, the President of the Spanish InterPore Chapter Marco Dentz (IDAEA-CSIC) gave a short introduction on the mission of InterPore and the national chapter. Finally, the Vice President Juan J. Hidalgo (IDAEA-CSIC) gave a presentation on the organization of the Spanish Chapter and its establishment as a non-profit association. He led a roundtable discussion on the creation of a knowledge-sharing forum and minisymposia for exchanging ideas and expertise.

The opening session was followed by the scientific program that was organized in 3 blocks, with a total of 3 invited talks of 30 minutes each and 6 contributed presentations of 15 minutes each.

A detailed program can be found here (221 KB).

France - National Chapter News

Report French Chapter meeting


The French InterPore Conference on Porous Media was successfully held at Le Palais Universitaire de Strasbourg (France) on 26 and 27 October 2021. For the French community on porous media, federated by the France InterPore Chapter, this biennial event corresponds to the 15th “Journées d’Etudes des Milieux Poreux”, initiated in Toulouse in 1993. The meeting attracted 90 in-person and 21 online participants, mainly from numerous French research institutions, universities and industry, promoting high multi-disciplinary scientific exchanges. The hybrid format allowed about 50 virtual supplementary connections, making the conference a great success.

A full report can be found here (344 KB).