InterPore2022: In-Person in Abu Dhabi and Online Everywhere

As you have previously been made aware, current conditions and restrictions on gathering in China preclude meeting in Qingdao next year. After careful consideration and much deliberation, we are pleased to announce that the Executive Committee has selected Abu Dhabi as the new location for InterPore2022. The original dates of 30 May – 02 June remain unchanged.

We look forward to being welcomed by our hosts, Prof. Mohamed Sassi and his team at Khalifa University, and send a gracious thank you to all of the proposal teams for their work in putting together last-minute bids.

We are excited about the plans and activities the LOC in Abu Dhabi is putting together and look forward to sharing the details with you soon. More importantly, we look forward to seeing you, learning with you and connecting with you once again! To those of you who may not be able to join us in Abu Dhabi, InterPore2022 will remain a hybrid conference; we’ll have ample opportunities to connect and will see you online!

Don’t forget – abstract submission is open!

Click here to submit
Help us spread the word – a conference flyer to share with your peers can be found here (1.8 MB).

Local Organizing Committee

A new Local Organizing Committee (LOC) has been formed in Abu Dhabi. All LOC members are shown in the table below.

2022 AbuDhabi LOC - InterPore2022: In-Person in Abu Dhabi and Online Everywhere