Statistical Characterization of Heterogeneous Dissolution Rates of Calcite From In-Situ and Real-Time Afm Imaging

Statistical Characterization of Heterogeneous Dissolution Rates of Calcite From In-Situ and Real-Time Afm Imaging

Siena, M., G. Bussetti, C. Recalcati, M. Riva, L. Duò, and A. Guadagnini


Proper assessment of mineral dissolution kinetics is critical due to the spatial heterogeneity of reaction rates observed at multiple scales. High-resolution imaging techniques such as Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) enable one to observe the surface topography of a reacting crystal at the molecular level. These techniques allow detecting the occurrence of different dissolution mechanisms, yielding spatially non-uniform rates. We investigate dissolution heterogeneity on a calcite sample exposed to deionized water. We obtain maps of reaction rate from the difference of AFM measurements of topography at subsequent times. Spatial statistics of rates are interpreted with a Generalized sub-Gaussian (GSG) model: the time evolution of GSG parameters provides quantitative insights on the dynamics of the physical mechanisms driving the reaction.

Transport in Porous Media 140 (2021)
Corresponding Authors: Martina Siena

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