1st Symposium of the Israeli InterPore Chapter

The founding committee (from left to right): Yaniv Edery (Technion), Alexandros Terzis (Technion), Avinoam Rabinovich (Tel Aviv University), Brian Berkowitz (Weizmann Institute of Science) and Scott K. Hansen (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), as well as Nimrod Schwartz (the Hebrew University of Jerusalem).

The first symposium was held the 1st of July in Tel Aviv. The symposium focused on igniting and fostering collaboration among a broad network of Israeli researchers of different disciplines coming from academia, research institutes, and industry. More than 50 participants used this opportunity to discuss recent research achievements, as well as research-related problems to enable multi-disciplinary collaborations in porous media-related research across Israel.

Thematic Areas were

  • Multiphase flow in porous media
  • Experimental methods in porous media
  • Computational methods in porous media
  • Industrial and biological porous media

It was a great socializing event especially during the poster session and the informal meetings after the lectures.

During the symposium, Yaniv Edery (chair), Avinoam Rabinovich (Vice Chairs/Communication Officers) and Alexandros Terzis (Vice Chairs/Communication Officers) have been elected as members of a committee which is in charge of organizing future InterPore meetings in Israel. Dror Ettlinger is the student representative.