Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer 2020 Report

Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer 2020, Professor Veerle Cnuddefrom Ghent University, Belgium, had a very productive and nice virtual visit at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, USA.

About 25 participants joined Prof. Cnudde’s seminar. There were Q&A and discussions right after the talk, which covered topics such as the application of tomography imaging for microbial activities, linking laboratory imaging measurements with the actual environment, data accessibility & sharing, and better integration of imaging and modeling. After the seminar, Prof. Cnudde also had individual meetings with five scientists at Berkeley Lab, including the lead of the medical CT imaging group and the tomography beamline scientist at Advanced Light Source. The discussions covered ongoing research projects, collaborative opportunities, and InterPore networking.

In case of questions, please contact Dr. Hang Deng (mail / website).