Impact of Geometrical Disorder on Phase Equilibria of Fluids and Solids Confined in Mesoporous Materials

Impact of Geometrical Disorder on Phase Equilibria of Fluids and Solids Confined in Mesoporous Materials

Henry R. N. B. Enninful, Daniel Schneider, Dirk Enke, and Rustem Valiullin


This invited feature article focuses on recent advances made in the understanding of correlations between the phase state and geometric disorder in nanoporous solids. We overview the recently developed statistical theory for phase transitions in a minimalistic model of disordered pore networks: linear chains of pores with statistical disorder. By correlating its predictions with various experimental observations, we show that this model gives notable insight into collective phenomena in phase-transition processes in disordered materials and is capable of explaining self-consistently the majority of the experimental results obtained for gas–liquid and solid–liquid equilibria in mesoporous solids.

Langmuir 2021, 37, 12, 3521–3537
Corresponding author: Henry Enninful

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